Misclassification Rate

Misclassification Rate


  • Number of questions: 12
  • Time limit: 25 minutes
  • Must be finished in one sitting. You cannot save and finish later.
  • Questions displayed per page: 1
  • Will allow you to go back and change your answers.
  • Will not let you finish with any questions unattempted.

1 / 12

What is the definition of misclassification rate?

2 / 12

What is the formula of misclassification rate?

3 / 12

Which answer is incorrect in describing misclassification rate?

4 / 12

We are testing a performance of a classifier with 100 samples. We have already known the accuracy = 0.91, precision = 0.91 and recall = 0.95. What is the misclassification rate in this case?

5 / 12

In a confusion matrix, we know True Positive=48, False Positive=2, True Negative=42, False Negative=8. What is the misclassification rate?

6 / 12

We are evaluating the performance of a model for a new AI application by looking at a confusion matrix as shown below. What is the Misclassification Rate of the model?

7 / 12

A grocery store would like to improve their business by analyzing the distribution of their customers. In fact, they are using computer vision algorithms to detect the gender of their customers. According to the confusion matrix below, can we evaluate the model performance with the misclassification rate of it. What is the misclassification rate in this case?

8 / 12

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) is using a computer vision application to detect whether passengers wear face masks or not. You as a Data Scientist, want to know the misclassification rate of the classifier. Can you evaluate it based on the confusion matrix below and what is the misclassification rate in this case? (TP+TN = 949 and FP+FN = 51)

9 / 12

Google is training their Google Home voice assistants with a new wake word (e.g., Ok Google!). During testing, 100 sentences were spoken to simulate a dining room environment where people were talking. “Ok Google!” was mentioned 50 times in those 100 sentences to see if the voice assistant would wake up, and the wake word was not mentioned in the remaining 50 sentences (positive case is when a wake word is mentioned). Based on the result of the confusion matrix below with a criteria of misclassification rate < 8%, does the model meet the requirement and what is the misclassification rate in this case?

10 / 12

A Data Scientist at Inabia has fine-tuned a pre-trained model with Yolov5 and his own custom dataset. There are 15 images in the test dataset including 200 people in total. Which option is correct on calculating the model’s error rate based on the confusion matrix as shown below (Positive: no face mask, Negative: face mask):

11 / 12

A company is designing a face mask alarm at the entry of a grocery store. The detector will send a warning if it predicts a person who is passing the entry without wearing a face mask. The company would like to evaluate the model performance based on the collected data with a confusion matrix (see the table below). The criteria of misclassification rate should be less than 5%. According to the metric, does the model meet the requirement of performance and what is the current number of the misclassification rate?

12 / 12

You are building a face mask detection system at a bus station and evaluating the model’s performance with a confusion matrix (see the table below). Detecting the people who are not wearing face masks is the most important target in this case. Calculate the misclassification rate of the result.

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